Sunday, March 9, 2008

Where We Are

John McCain is a grumpy old man... Barack Obama is a Muslim... Hillary Clinton is a monster... Welcome to Election 2008.
We’ve got bloggers on the Left saying climate change is a serious problem, the economy is crumbling, we need health-care for everyone, and let’s put an end to the war in Iraq. We’ve got bloggers on the Right saying there is no such thing as global warming, the economy will be fine very soon, health-care is for commies, and the only way America can be safe is by using all our troops to continue our occupation of Iraq.
The top candidates seem adept at only one thing: name-calling.
We’re already a second-tier nation on so many fronts it is hubris to say America is the greatest nation on earth. I love America, but let’s be real. Our country is engaged in two wars, our debt to China is in the trillions of dollars, our dollar is practically worthless, foreclosures were only this bad once before, and that was at the end of WW II, we can no longer “buy American”, because we don’t make anything anymore, “No Child Left Behind” has left most of our children behind, and worst of all, I think, we have very few friends beyond our borders.
So who’s gonna fix this mess? Senator Get-off-my-lawn, Senator All-we-need-is-hope, or Senator Hope-is-not-the-answer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a fresh dose of Robert Burns, come to think of it?